Myth #1: Outsourcing Is About Cutting Costs, Not Adding Value
Myth #2: You Sacrifice Your Culture When You Outsource
Myth #3: Outsourcing Robs You of the Connection to Your Frontline Agents
Your company is quick to outsource a handful of operational functions without a second thought – think: maintenance and cleaning crews, office supplies and equipment, and coffee and catering, among many others.
But the people you hire to take care of those things aren’t really “partners” in the full sense of the word. They’re not the ones who are as invested in your company’s success as you are.
A true partner has a comprehensive understanding of your company and its customers and is committed to helping you achieve your strategic business goals. They’re even willing to share any risk on that journey to long-term success.
So, what about your contact center outsourcer? Are they just another vendor? Or is it actually possible to have a strategic partnership?
It’s a valid question – one which requires breaking down some of the myths associated with outsourcing your contact center. Grab your eBook today to ensure you’re on the path to strategic partnership with your outsourcer.